
Mr. Cook 4

I now weighed 146. I had calculated how many calories I would need to gain 2 pounds a week and quickly got underway eating. It was hard, but I forced myself to reach my goal every day. By the time I went to bed every night my stomach was taught and distended. After two weeks of this two pound diet I only gained a little over three pounds, which was discouraging. But then fate intervened.
My parents had planned a romantic getaway to Mexico and I would be home alone for a week. This meant two things: extra money to blow on fatty foods, and a chance to begin taking gainer shakes. When I heard the news I promptly ordered ten pounds of a gainer powder to be delivered by the time they were gone.
When my week alone started, I took it easy on the gainer shakes. I didn’t want to shock my body. But once I got used to it, boy was I going overboard. I would eat my usual 3,000 calories but sometimes with the gainer shakes I could add almost 3,000 more calories on to that.
Throughout the week I could feel my body getting softer. I promised myself I would wait until my parents got back to weigh in, but I knew I was gaining weight. My belly definitely felt flabbier. I could pinch a good roll on it now. And even though I wasn’t yet, I really felt like a cow sitting down. I would try on my tightest jeans just to watch my belly spill over the waist. I was enjoying myself so much that I was masturbating constantly.
The last two days were doozies. I skipped breakfast to slow my metabolism down and in turn convert subsequent meals into fat.  For lunch I would eat a whole box of pasta. This was really difficult, so I ate it plain and drank water to make it go down quicker. When I was done I could feel a huge lump of food sitting in my gut. Next, for dinner I had a whole pepperoni pizza to myself. By the time I went to bed I still felt stretched to the max, but that didn’t stop me from drinking exactly 3,500 calories of gainer shake. After all that guzzling I promptly passed out. I couldn’t wait for that creamy shake turn into gooey fat. I analogized my body as a pole people stuck gobs of gum to, except I was adding gobs of fat.
The morning of my parents’ arrival I quickly jumped on the scale before they got home. The digital numbers started flashing and I got butterflies. Finally my weight appeared on the screen. 155. I had gained nine pounds in a week! I couldn’t believe it. I quickly ran to the mirror to check myself out.
My belly had definitely acquired a good layer of fat. A coating of flub covered my abs. It looked like someone had taken a small chair cushion and sewn it onto my front side. This was amazing, and certainly made me horny, but what really got me going was my ass. Never before had my ass looked so plump. It wasn’t extraordinarily large, but substantial. I grabbed it and felt the skin protrude between my fingers. I could surely fill out a pair of jeans now. 


Next week our narrator gets up close and personal with the object of his desire. 

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